TimeBank of the Rockies
We are particularly happy to welcome new members and expand our community. Should you wish to join us, follow the instructions here.
If you wish to donate to help cover our running costs, you may make a donation through our PayPal account.
Being in touch and learning about our community is what keeps it alive and thriving. Our blog provides stories and experiences from our members to better understand how a Time Bank improves a community and brings people together.

Time Bank of the Rockies

Phone 970-964-9680
PO Box 85
Montrose, CO 81402
swimming lessons

Share Your Talents. Enrich your life.

Build a Community.

The Time Bank of the Rockies strives to provide opportunities for learning and personal growth through connection. We have created a network of varied personal skills from all age groups through the exchange of time credits, and that benefits everyone.
Think of time credits as a “currency” of valued services. Through them, we support individuals and groups, connect volunteers with people and organizations in need, and build connected and engaged communities throughout the Western Slope.
The huge value of neighbors helping neighbors and building social capital in a community is priceless. Here are some numbers to get to know us better:

Our members' time was worth $122,455 (in 2019*).

*As reported by the Independent Sector, a national organization made up of nonprofits, foundations, and corporations engaged in charitable endeavors, the value of volunteer time in the State of Colorado was worth $29.50 per hour in 2019. Take this times the number of hours exchanged in the last year to arrive at $122,455. Figure that over TBR's 13-year existence, and the value is much greater! The worth of neighbor helping neighbor has a monetary value, but its greatest worth is building social capital in the community.


"I recently purchased a house and when it came time to move, I wondered how I was going to manage. I have a special-needs daughter and it's just the two of us, so I posted a request on Time Bank of the Rockies. The help I received was tremendous. In one day, a 26' U-Haul was filled with all our belongings from inside the house. The next day another member helped load and unload the outdoor items. A lady who helped with the first load also brought us dinner, while another lady took my daughter out for the evening, giving me a chance to breathe. In summary, 62.5 hours among 12 people created a smooth and successful weekend move. Thank you, Time Bankers!!! You are an amazing blessing!"

— Angie W.